What is a Negative Ion and how can it benefit you?
The Negative Ion
Is there something in the air? It’s the next best thing to love, and we call it negative ions.
Negative ions have no odor, they are tasteless, invisible molecules that are inhaled in abundance in certain environments. Think about mountains, waterfalls, and breaking surf on beaches. Once negative ions reach
our bloodstream, and they are believed to produce biochemical reactions that could increase the levels of the mood chemical serotonin, they can boost our datyime energy, relieve stress and even alleviate depression.
When molecules or atoms bear an electric charge they are invisible particles which are called Ions. Atoms, consist of an atomic nucleus that contain postively charged protons and neutral neutrons, as well as orbiting electrons that are negatively charged. When an atom is neutral it has an equal number of of protons (+) and electrons (-). When they are not the same, the particle becomes an ion which is either positively or negatively charged.
Positive Ion or (Cation) is an atom (or molecule) that is missing one or more electron. The decay of radioactive minerals, forest fires, lightning, radon gas, and ultraviolet rays are natural forces that generate positive ions.
In our living spaces Positive ions can be generated by:
– Car exhaust
– Factory exhaust
– Home appliances
Negative Ion or (Anion) is an atom (or molecule) that has gained one or more extra negatively charged electrons. Evaporating water, ocean surf, ionic minerals such as Tourmaline generate negative ions naturally.
Michael Terman, PhD, is an ion researcher at the Columbia University in New York and he says that “The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods”.
Negative ions may increase the flow of oxygen to the brain which will result in higher alertness. This can decrease drowsiness, and it can give you more mental energy.
Negative Ions may also protect against germs in the air, which could result in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that could give you a throat irritation, cough or make you sneeze.
One in three of us are sensitive to their effects, and negative ions can make you feel like you are walking on air. You will know if you are one of them if you feel instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe in humid and fresh air.
When plants are exposed to intense light during photosynthesis they also produce negative ions.
Can Negative Ions Purify the Air?
Almost all particles in the air have a positive charge. Negative ions have a negative charge. In this case, the negative ions and the particles are magnetically attract to one another. Due to this negative ions will attract floating particles. When this happens the particle becomes too heavy to remain airborne, and as a result, the particle will fall out of the air. When you dust or vacuum these particles will then be collected and removed.
Is there any scientific proof or evidence for Negative Ions?
There are more than 5000 studies which have been conducted on Negative Ions and you can find many of these online.