What is Waterpreneur Entrepreneurship?

Some water-facts and the South African overview Water is the absolute essence of life; without it, we simply cannot survive. Approximately 98% of all water on earth is contained in our oceans, and merely 3% of all water on earth is drinkable. Our rivers, streams, lakes, and dams contain 1% of potable water while groundwater…

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Amazing Benefits of Alkaline Water

Most people believe that alkaline water has plenty of health-enhancing advantages like weight loss, blood pressure reduction, detoxification, and bone health improvement. Some credits micro-clustering while others credit molecular hydrogen as the reasons why alkaline water works great for you. But according to actual research, the benefits that you get from alkaline water originate from…

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Living Water: What to expect from drinking Ionized Water

living water

In this article we will discuss living water and its potential benefits. “Here are your waters and your watering place. Drink and be whole again beyond confusion.” ~ Robert Frost The first thing that Ionized Water does to the body when a person begins drinking it is flush out the digestive tract, which is the…

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Infused Water and Alkaline Water for Detox and Weight Loss

infused water

Detoxifying nowadays could be as simple as drinking a glass of infused water anytime of the day, it may be a better option if spending thousands of dollars on professional detox treatments is totally out of the question. However, there are ways to also accelerate detox and weight loss through infused water and alkaline water.…

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